Wednesday, April 3, 2013

My Hubby New toy

I am so happy my little one interesting what I made.  This butterfly necklace I made of shrinky dinks.  And she keeps asking teaching her how to make.  She loves enjoying what I make for her.
She is funny and curious girl to making a shadow while she is drawing and I am working.  Now, I
think what's project on my hand now is:
 1. Being a good mom
2. Being a good wife
3.  Raising 2 kids
4. Being an entrepreneur.
5. continuous learner.
I know it's hard but I have to made it happen since you moved here, you don't have any connection and relative living around you, you did everything all by yourself.  Even though you don't have enough sleeping time or break time, you should try to balance everything, it seems very hard to made it.  I am human, sometimes, I can't manage my emotion very well, such as this morning I want to teach my little one phonic, ask her to read, she seems not very cooperated to me, I try to clam down emotion to think how to make it well, maybe do it later or do something else rather than insisting doing this. It ends up not bad.  HaHa! I made it.  

My hubby will be so happy to see his new toy. :)  I love smart phone it can made your friends and relative very closely since you moved far away from them. This morning I chatted with my close friend, we are very like-minded people, she encouraged me don't give up.  Love it!

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