I am reading The Power of Less by Leo Babauta. It sounds good for me to know how to focus on my work. Stick the rules:
-Do only one habit at a time
-Choose an easy goal.
-Choose something measurable.
-Be consistent.
-Report Daily.
-Keep a positive attitude.
Not yet done the whole book. So, i am trying to make it work..
12 keys habit to start with
1. Set my 3 most important tasks each morning.
That is not a problem for me, mostly i will be back home after dropping off my big boy in school, or
quickly grocery shopping then playing & teaching my little one before feeding her lunch.
2. Single-task. When i work on a task, don't switch to other tasks.
Hopefully, i could make it.
3. Process my in-box to empty.
i could make it.
4. Check email just twice a day.
It is not a problem.
5 .Exercise five to ten minutes a day.
I did exercise after my kids getting on the bed. Not every day i could make it, maybe few times a week.
6. Work while disconnected, with no distractions.
Try to make it.
7. Follow a morning routine.
I could do that.
8. Eat more fruits and veggies everyday.
Usually, i only eat a few bites of crackers, i know it is not healthy.
9. Keep your desk decluttered.
That is mainly problem on my desk, no organization, no space at all.
10. Say no to commitments and requests that aren't on my short list.
Try to make it.
11. decluttter my house for fifteen minutes a day.
I alway said to myself, especially my kids's stuff.
12. stick to a five sentence limit for emails.
I could make it.
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